Property Management Cost and Profitability Calculator

$ %
$ %


Rent $0.00
Annual Value Appreciation $0.00
Total $0.00


Leasing Fee $0.00
Management Fees $0.00
Mortgage, HOA, Insurance, Property Tax $0.00
Your Hourly Rate $0.00
Estimated Repairs Over 3 Years $0.00
Vacancy Rate $0.00
Miscellaneous $0.00
Total $0.00

Net Profit after 3 years if you have a property manager


Net Profit after 3 years If you are self-managing

Whether you are a first-time, seasoned, or experienced landlord looking to increase your rental property earnings and wondering, “Do I need a property manager?” or “Is property manager worth it?” you’ve come to the right place!

Managing your own property can be daunting and time-consuming, especially if you’re not familiar with the challenges of operating expenses and profits. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce you to our Property Management Cost and Profitability Calculator.

Gone are the days of relying solely on the cap rate as a limited method to assess your investment’s potential returns. Instead, we offer an efficient cutting-edge calculator that considers the detailed nuances, allowing you to make informed decisions and not miss any crucial breakdowns. Property Management Cost and Profitability Calculator easily reconstructs your operating expenses, providing accurate information about your potential profit.

On average, landlords rent their properties to a single tenant for around three years. Based on this math, our Property Management Cost and Profitability Calculator assesses the costs and returns over this time frame, allowing you to make a more accurate comparison.

Of course, the cost of property management services varies depending on factors such as rental amount and location. Our calculator considers this, ensuring you receive an evaluation of whether hiring a property manager is worth the return on investment compared to managing the property yourself.

After involving the math, you can consider the following benefits:

  • An extensive network of attorneys

A professional property management company’s expertise minimizes mistakes, saving you from potential legal complications. However, one big mistake can break your landlord’s journey. So stay ahead of local and fair housing laws while benefiting from carefully crafted lease agreements.

  • Fast property turnover

Time is money, and property managers know this well. Their fast property turnover reduces vacancy time by approximately a month, so you can rent your property out faster. Start generating passive income sooner, adding to your balance sheet.

  • Bigger ROI Potential

While expensive cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Miami, and others may result in monthly negative cash flow, homes there often have higher appreciation rates than smaller cities in the mid-west, bringing a much better ROI when you cash out. So which do you prefer: being an equity investor or a cash flow investor?

If you are a full-time landlord and rely on property management as your primary source of income, it may not be worth hiring a property manager. If there are no issues with tenants, landlords typically dedicate a minimum of 40-60 hours per year to managing a single rental property.

However, your anticipated cost savings may not be as big as initially expected, especially if you are a higher earner. Moreover, Property Management Cost and Profitability Calculator allow you to unlock the full financial potential of your rental property. So is hiring a property manager worth it?